BOOK: Karl Bickel

If you like art, and you like the work of the Swiss engraver Karl Bickel, then this book is a must-have for you. In over a hundred pages, many illustrated in full colour, this book takes you on a journey throught the life and work of the Swiss artist.

From his early beginnings as a designer of those old lithographed picture postcards from the early 1900s, via his magnificent poster art to the building of his Paxmal peace monument, and his later private work; his oils, his engravings, his drawings, this book just keeps on giving and giving.

It is not just a feast for the eye, but such an interesting read, because the character is such a fascinating man. You will definitely appreciate Bickel's work more and see how his stamps were very much part of a larger body of work, while everything he did was driven by his goal to visualise his thoughts on a better world.

Karl Bickel
Written by: Volker Schunck & Walter Diggelmann
Text: German
Pages: 114
Published by BuchsDruck und Verlag, Switzerland (1986)
ISBN 3 905 222 280