VIDEO: Pierre Albuisson

Some time ago, French stamp writer Sébastien, who has his own website which you can find here, told me about a great Youtube video which contained an interview with Pierre Albuisson, at this home in the gorgeous Charolais region (famous for its cattle) of France. Seeing that the video has the 'Share' option activated, I'm doing just that, hoping you'll enjoy it.

It's all in French, I'm afraid, but Sébastien very kindly provided a synopsis in English for those who are not fluent in French:

Une journée chez le maître graveur Pierre Albuisson (Tv Timbres, 2006, 14m24s):
- Pierre Albuisson describes the landscapes and the Charolais region.
- Gauthier Toulemonde tells a short biography of PA.
- PA speaks about the home he restaured and promoting steel engraving, both are a way to insure an heritage to the next generation.
- In the atelier upstairs: the handpress (machine taille-douce Ledeuil), the office. He presents an essay of the press.
- He engraves while describing how he works (roles of the hands).
- The engraving tools (burins), how they are hold and chosen.
- Other tools to sharpen the burins, verify their cutting angle before sharpening accordingly.
- PA presents a commercial idea: when he creates and engraves a whole stamp, he designs a special original engraving, only 500 printed with the first day cancelled stamp underneath. Then he explains how this is linked to Art du Timbre Gravé and a wish to make sure stamp imagery be different from all the images of today's medias.
- Some stamps by Albuisson are shown as a closing credit.


You can watch the video on Youtube by clicking here.
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