BOOKS: They who create our stamps

It always pays to google a lot and search for anything stamp or engraver related, because you always end up with something surprising and interesting. And that's how I came across a series of little booklets, produced in France in the 1950s, each with a selection of little biographies of stamp designers and engravers.

The booklets are called 'Ceux qui créent nos timbres'  and were published by 'Le Monde des Philatélistes'. I am showing you today volume IV, but I believe there may well have been six, although I haven't found out yet exactly how many there were.

This volume IV contains a lot of well-known names, such as Jules Piel (one of my favourites) and Louis-Eugène Mouchon. But what's so absolutely fantastic about these booklets, is that they include an original engraving made especially for these booklets by one of the engravers included in it. This Volume IV, published in 1957,  has an engraving by René Cottet, called 'Notre-Dame de Paris'. Isn't it stunning?

I have two more booklets from this series which I'll show you at a later date. I'm of course hoping to complete the series so if anyone knowns how many were published eventually, I'd be happy to know.

In the meantime I'm creating a new label, called 'Books', so that with one click on the label on the right-hand side of the site, you get all the information about any books which are of interest to those interested in stamp engravers. I don't have that many yet so any suggestions are of course always welcome!
